Bell Schedule

Classic dial phone graphic



Please email or call the school if your son or daughter is absent or will be absent. Every absence must be excused. If the school has not been notified, parents will be contacted. All students arriving late must check in at the office to sign in with their student ID card.  

It is important that students are in class ready to begin the day with prayer and announcements.


Bell Times:

Warning Bell

8:48 a.m.

Period 1

8:49-9:38 a.m.

Period 2

9:39-10:25 a.m.

Period 3

10:26-11:12 a.m.

Period 4

11:13-11:59 p.m.

Recess & Lunch

12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.

Period 5

1:01 p.m.-1:46 p.m.

Period 6

1:48-2:33 p.m.

Period 7

2:34-3:19 p.m.